More than ever, Green policies are needed and wanted here and now.

As we all emerge from the Covid pandemic, only to be faced with the looming climate crisis, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Greens in Government offer the power to enact long-overdue changes to tackle our greatest long-term problems.

Social inequality and the breakdown of our environment go hand in hand. To tackle both, we need effort on all levels of government and all levels of society. The people of the Western Isles deserve more engaging local politics - to be listened to, empowered, and given the power and finance to enact the changes they need to see to protect the coastlines and sustainability of the islands.

Green Councillors will work for policies which address the climate crisis and social inequality at the same time – planet and people.


We believe that the people of the islands need more opportunities for access to land. Many of the other changes which we set out in this manifesto can’t happen if people don’t have even small parcels of land/green space within 20 minutes of their homes. Lack of access to land is a fundamental problem where many of our greatest challenges stem from. Because of this, we align with the principles of Scotland’s land reform movement.

Green Councillors will;

  • Represent the Comhairle in the wide-ranging consultation on land reform. We will contribute to and support the Land Reform Bill, due to be introduced by the end of 2023, specified in the Cooperation Agreement.


We have recently felt the effects of a fragile food supply chain. We believe that the Outer Hebrides can and should be far more self-sustaining than it is. The Outer Hebrides is also well-placed to be a leader in quality sustainable produce, while integrating production with the upcoming Circular Economy.

Greens will;

  • Double the area of land under organic management. This is a Scotland-wide aim, which we will enact in the Outer Hebrides with guidance from the upcoming Organic Food and Farming Action Plan from the Cooperation Agreement.

  • Represent the Outer Hebrides’ interests in the 2023 Agriculture Bill. This is set out in the Cooperation Agreement to deliver a new support framework that will include delivering climate mitigation and adaptation, nature restoration and high quality food production; integration of enhanced conditionality against public benefits, with targeted outcomes for biodiversity gain and low emissions production; increased equality of opportunity, improving business resilience, efficiency and profitability.

  • Climate resilience – which is achieved through the restoration of the natural environment – will provide landscapes with the necessary protection to withstand the pressures of a changing weather system, while simultaneously enabling efficient carbon sequestration and storage through natural processes. This is as equally important to achieving net zero and cannot be overlooked in measures to offset carbon. Biodiversity restoration and the carbon potential of well-managed habitats, including soils, grasslands and hedgerows, must be balanced carefully with land use strategies for decarbonising.


Most land in the Highlands and Islands region is classed as marginal, fit only for rough grazing or improved grassland at best - despite its potential. The contribution from crofting to rural livelihoods and local economy is undervalued. Crofts can contribute to carbon sequestration, environmental protection, production of high-quality food, population retention and the sustainability of local communities. But crofting faces many serious problems, which need to be rectified as quickly as possible.

Future crofting communities could be beacons of sustainability and innovation: growing local food for the local community; using renewable energy sources such as wind and sun to heat glasshouses to produce exotic commodities; growing fruit crops and trees; growing flax for linen manufacture; hemp for rope and medicine; producing wool for local industries; beekeeping; employing hundreds of people who would prefer a life in the country.

Green Councillors will work to support active crofters. We will link up wool producers with potential local users in the Circular Economy. We will encourage and help the community to establish new croft holdings and townships.