Local Groups
Orkney Greens
Orkney Greens meet generally through the Winter months, normally in Kirkwall. Occasional events are also planned, sometimes with ‘partner’ organisations such as Campaign Against the Arms Trade. We formed after IndyRef1 in 2014 and have raised the green profile in the area, campaigned in the 2015 UK elections, the election of Highlands & Islands MSP John Finnie in 2016 and had our first Orkney Green councillor Steve Sankey elected in the 2017 Orkney Islands Council Elections. In 2022 we doubled Green representation on the Orkney Islands Council to two members, see Elected Greens.
Please join our meetings, our Facebook group or get in touch if you wish to help change the political narrative in the Orkney archipelago.
Email: orkney@higreens.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheOrkneyGreens
Co-convenors: helen@higreens.org and steve@higreens.org
Shetland Greens
Shetland Greens formed a sub-branch of the Highlands & Islands Green Party in 2022.