Our Vision
For People, Planet and Peace in the Highlands and Islands
We are part of the Scottish Green Party, an international political movement, guided by the principles of Environmental, Social and Economic Justice. We push for local control, radical participatory democracy, international cooperation and peaceful means to achieve these goals.
Our core principles and values are: Ecological Wisdom - Social Justice - Participatory Democracy - Non-Violence - Environmental Sustainability - Respect for Diversity
These define how we work to achieve our local priorities for the Highlands and Islands:
Local action to adapt to climate change;
More and better public transport & active travel;
More, better & affordable housing, ending fuel poverty - for people before profit;
Sustainable tourism - that benefits local communities;
Strengthening the Gaelic language in the Highlands and Western Isles;
Sustainable farming and fishing;
Stronger local communities and local services;
Local land management;
Local management of energy generation & supply and renewable energy transition
Our purpose is to get Green representatives elected at all levels, to promote Green policies when elected; and to work with others to build a stronger, more resilient and confident society, with a self-sustaining economy in a diverse and flourishing Highlands and Islands environment.
To be part of this movement, become a member or contact us to receive our newsletter or to find out more.