Sign the form and pledge your vote!

⚡ In this Council election, we have the opportunity to elect good people that will work for a greener, fairer council, delivering for our communities.

💚 The Highlands & Islands Greens are proud of our candidates and they are humbled by your show of support and trust.

✊ Together, we can put honest, no nonsense politics back in our councils so that we can tackle the climate and environmental emergencies with a Just Transition. We can build a better world for the next generations.

📢 Once you have signed your pledge to Vote Green #1, you will be offered the chance to download a graphic to share via email and social media to your friends and family.

⭐ If each of you gets two more people to sign this pledge, we will be on track to elect a record-shattering number of Green Councillors across the Highlands & Islands. Click the button below to pledge your vote.

Can you share one of the graphics below on social media or email encouraging your network to Vote Green #1?